Free skills building webinar on “Beyond Asylum Evaluations: Conducting Immigration Evaluations for Cancellation of Deportation, Hardship Waivers, and Waivers from Taking the U.S. Citizenship Exam

Announcement from Elizabeth Carll, PhD

Chair, Refugee Mental Health Resource Network

Dear Colleague,

As you have expressed interest in volunteering to work with refugees and immigrants, attached is the flyer and registration for the 6th webinar in the APA Refugee Mental Health Resource Network series. This free skills building webinar on “Beyond Asylum Evaluations: Conducting Immigration Evaluations for Cancelation of Deportation, Hardship Waivers, and Waivers from Taking the U.S. Citizenship Exam” will take place on Friday, November 17, 2017 from 12 Noon to 1:00 PM Eastern. CE credit is available. As a result of recent political developments in the U.S., many immigrants have sought assistance in obtaining legal status. The first portion of the webinar will be introductory remarks and an update for participation in the Refugee Mental Health Resource Network. While previous Refugee Mental Health Resource Network webinars have focused on political asylum evaluations and providing assistance for refugees, this skill building webinar addresses evaluations that are often sought by immigrants who have been living in the U.S. for longer periods of time. Three types of immigration evaluations are reviewed: cancelation of removal (deportation), hardship waivers (I-601), and waivers from taking the U.S. citizenship exam (N-648). Each category is discussed, the qualifying criteria are highlighted, and case examples are provided. Assessment procedures and measures are recommended, as well as considerations for culturally competent assessment of non-English speakers. See attached flyer for registration and additional information. Elizabeth Carll, PhD Chair, Refugee Mental Health Resource Network, An APA Interdivisional Project; President, APA Division 56 (Trauma Psychology)

