webinars this fall to train organizers and advocates on fighting ICE enforcement in their communities

In partnership with allies around the country, the ILRC<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?ILRC/d78be1e1b2/TEST/fd8ec76815> is hosting a series of three webinars this fall to train organizers and advocates on fighting ICE enforcement in their communities.  All webinars are free and open to anyone who is working for immigrant rights.

1) Fighting Where We Can Win: Successful Campaigns Against Local Immigration Enforcement

Date: September 12, 2018
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Pacific Time

Moderator: Angie Junck, Supervising Attorney – ILRC

Carolina Canizales, Texas Campaigns Strategist – ILRC

Bob Libal, Executive Director – Grassroots Leadership
Erika Almiron, Executive Director – Juntos

How do I build a campaign to fight back against local immigration enforcement? This webinar will discuss the basics you need to know about how local law enforcement and other agencies work with ICE or CBP and think about who are the likely local targets for organizing. We will talk about important allies in your community who may have power or information you need, and what kinds of stories can help drive the narrative. Experienced organizers will talk about messaging, mobilizing, and accessing legal resources.

Register here<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?ILRC/d78be1e1b2/TEST/ea379f9ddf/c=0&w=1>

2) National Context: The Legal Fights over Sanctuary Policies

Date: October 10, 2018

Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Pacific Time


Lena Graber, Staff Attorney – ILRC

Krsna Avila, Andy Grove Immigrant Rights Fellow – ILRC

Sameera Hafiz, Senior Policy Strategist – ILRC

Marcela Diaz, Executive Director – Somos Un Pueblo Unido

“Sanctuary” policies exist all over the country, but they are under attack from the Trump Administration, which is trying to withhold federal funding. What is the DOJ trying to do, what funding is at stake, and what is the status of all these lawsuits over it? Most importantly, a key federal statute limiting sanctuary policies has been found unconstitutional, which means that sanctuary jurisdictions have even more power.

Register here<http://cts.vresp.com/c/?ILRC/d78be1e1b2/TEST/09dae8cef1/c=0&w=1>

3) Police-ICE Collusion: Essential Knowledge and Interventions

Date: November, 2018 – Date TBA

Grisel Ruiz, Staff Attorney – ILRC

Lena Graber, Staff Attorney – ILRC

Annie Benson, Senior Directing Attorney – Washington Defender Association

Let’s dig into how ICE operates and how local law enforcement agencies are really involved, so that we can demand strategic reforms. SComm is not the only way ICE gets information from localities, the Criminal Alien Program and 287(g) are also big players, as well as ICE’s broad access to various law enforcement databases.  In order to fight deportations, we need to get a hands-on, granular pictures of how ICE is operating, how they are using detainers and warrants, what access they have to the jail, and how local police and sheriffs respond to various ICE requests. How does this change when you have an ICE detention contract or a 287(g) agreement? What are the important legal hooks, and what are the policy arguments for getting local governments to stop doing ICE’s bidding?

The exact date of this webinar will soon be announced. Look for a separate email with the date and link to the registration form.


(T) 415-255-9499 (F) 415-255-9792

Immigrant Legal Resource Center
1663 Mission Street, Suite 602
San Francisco, CA 94103