“Imprisoned Justice: Inside Two Georgia Immigrant Detention Centers.”

From Detention Watch Network:

Project South and Penn State Law’s Center for Immigrants’ Rights (on its behalf) released a report titled “Imprisoned Justice: Inside Two Georgia Immigrant Detention Centers.” The report is a product of a one year study and in partnership with several organizations and projects (Alterna, GLAHR, Georgia Detention Watch, and a special student project of Mercer Law School), law students, advocates, attorneys, and current and formerly detained immigrants at the Stewart Detention Center and the Irwin County Detention Center.  Thank you to those on this email who gave their time and expertise to this project. Below you can find the Project South press release.


Link to Report: http://projectsouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Imprisoned_Justice_Report.pdf


Story by Penn State Law’s Center for Immigrants’ Rights Clinic:



Finally, you can access the library of reports prepared or co-authored by the Penn State Law’s Center for Immigrants’ Rights here: https://pennstatelaw.psu.edu/practice-skills/clinics/center-immigrants%E2%80%99-rights-clinic/center-publications


Many thanks,

Azadeh & Shoba